WebNaast deze servicevoorwaarden publiceren we ook een privacybeleid. We raden u aan dit te lezen om te zien hoe uw persoonsgegevens door Zynga kunnen worden verwerkt. In deze servicevoorwaarden betekent ‘Zynga’, of ‘wij’, ‘onze’, of ‘ons’ Zynga Inc. en de Zynga-instanties. Zynga Inc. is gevestigd te 1200 Park Place, San Mateo, CA ... WebONS Wallet Password: The wallet password attribute that is included as part of the ONS client configuration string. This attribute is only required when ONS is configured to use the SSL protocol. The value is stored in an encrypted form in the descriptor file and when displayed on the Administration Console.
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Web7. Kijk naar huis, vind je dat de ramen niet te klein zijn ? 8. Weet je wie beste klant is ? 9. Vader en moeder zijn kwaad en zeggen tegen de kinderen 'Vertel dat niet !'. 10. Weet je wie volgend jaar leraar Nederlands zal zijn ? End of the free exercise to learn Dutch: Ons / onze ? WebTo configure an ONS client: Select Fan Enabled. In ONS host and port, enter a comma-separate list of ONS daemon listen addresses and ports for receiving ONS-based FAN events. You can use Single Client Access Name (SCAN) addresses to access FAN notifications. Optionally, configure secure ONS client communication using SSL. See … did he stop being iron man after iron man 3
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WebKijk welk bezittelijk voornaamwoord (ons of onze) moet voor client , wij helpen je graag. WebOracle Notification Service ( ons.jar) is included as part of the Oracle Client software. Oracle Notification Service can be configured using either remote configuration or client-side Oracle Notification Service daemon configuration. Remote Oracle Notification Service subscription offers the following advantages: Support for an All Java mid ... WebFluid ounce. Definition: A fluid ounce (symbol: fl oz) is a unit of volume in the imperial and United States customary systems of measurement. The US fluid ounce is 1/16 of a US fluid pint, and 1/128 of a US liquid gallon, which is equal to 29.57 mL. The imperial fluid ounce is 1/20 of an imperial pint, and 1/160 of an imperial gallon, which is equal to 28.4 mL. did he truly love me